Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I have no ideal where the time went, well maybe I do....
Lots of holding, hugging, kissing, snuggling, feeding, dressing, undressing, changing diapers, changing diapers (not a typo we just do it so often I figured it needed to be mentioned twice), and staring at every little feature and trying to store as many memories away as I possibly can.


Lacey said...

She is so gorgeous Kim! I wish so much that I could come see you all. I NEED to hold that Baby! :)
I pray it wont be long before we can all see eachother and catch up! Many blessing I pray over your family today.

Autumn said...

She is just beautiful!!!!!! Gorgeous little girl!!!!!
Thanks again for posting so we can google over her here at home!

Bekah said...

Oh she is SO beautiful! She just looks angelic : )
Give her huggs from me!