Thursday, August 13, 2009

Aidan's first day in first grade

What a difference 3 yrs makes. This was him when he was 3 and first started school. He's now 6 and has grown so much. Evidence of growth exhibited by the backpack, believe it or not he's had the same one for 3 1/2 school yrs. Just look at his old picture and you see his beautiful little soul. I won't forget being so worried he wouldn't get on the bus and leave me. I prayed all week prior and talked to him about every chance I got. Low and behold he just walked right up the steps, got on and was off to school w/o so much as one tear. He was so grown up that day for being such a little guy. He's such a cutie pie and he just keeps getting cuter.

Monday, July 27, 2009

My little artist

Kaydence was playing w/ play doh and came up to me to show her latest creation. I didn't help her at all and i hope you can see the detail of her rose. It is so precious to see such a gift develop in her. I'm so blessed that God would pass on my creativity.

Airplane rides from mommy

Despite the look on Kalleighs face she actually loves to do this.

Beautiful Toothers!

Can you believe she has 6 teeth coming in at once and she has handled it like a champ, I'm so proud.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Kalleigh is growing so fast!

It's hard to believe this is a picture of a 7 month old. Such long hair and the picture of her in front of the couch is the first time she pulled up on something by herself.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

She's Five!!!!!

This post is a little late but it's here. My beautiful contradiction of a little girl. I don't know how but she is everything wrapped into one package, sweet and mean, shy and outgoing, timid and overbearing, quiet and very loud, drop dead gorgeous and ugly(attitude wise). I love her so much and sometimes I could just strangle her (just an expression). She has the ability to evoke a myriad of emotions out of you and make sure you are ALIVE! I shutter to think about her teenage years. I guess that's what she has me in training for now.

More Pictures of My 5 yr old B-Day Girl!!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Crawling? Almost but not yet.

Can you see the concentration? "I need to just move one limb at a time.....come on, come on.....oh man! I've got to start all over AGAIN!"

I think she really wants to push up to her feet and start walking. How frustrating it must be for it to look so easy.

She has finally mastered the combat crawl and w/ the right incentive can get from point A to B in no time flat! She loves all the things she can't have, like paper and vacuum cords. She's got me and KK (mommies little helper) very busy.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Aidan And Kaydence in their B-day outfits from Granny

Kaydence loves her dress and would wear it everywhere, if I'd let her. Aidan is just as cute as ever but we had to make some adjustments on his shorts, he runs around everywhere w/ one hand holding up his shorts. You can really tell how much KK has passed up her brother. To be fair she is wearing shoes which give her a whopping 3/4 inch difference. He's just our little guy. We had a growth hormone test done last Friday and his body makes plenty of the stuff but it doesn't make it to his bones for some reason. We are still trying to figure out why. He's scheduled for another type of test in April. Pray that we figure this out sooner than later,I hate to see him getting poked and prodded only to find out we have to do it again for some other reason. On positive notes he has recently became potty trained, yay!!!! He evens stays dry overnight. Another accomplishment of his (he is very happy about,me not so much) is that he has figured out how to open the doors and yes this means even the ones that lead outside. he has yet to really try to go far but we will be going around the neighborhood this weekend and intoducing ourselves and Aidan and let them know his situation and that if the worst case scenerio of him getting out unnotticed and they see him then they will know where to bring him back to. Your prayers are much appreciated w/ this as well.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Clean baby scent should be marketed the way new car smell is

Just out of the bath can't you just smell that fresh clean baby scent, apparently she likes it also.This was such a cute expression I had to post it.

Just us Girls!

When I look at this picture I can really see how Kalleigh looks like me. Kaydence looks more and more like her daddy. Not my best picture but at least we were all looking at the camera.

Monday, February 9, 2009


She's had this since before Christmas and liked it a little. Now she loves it and can actually bounce up and down it's soooo CUTE!!!!! She's even become a pro at turning her self around to play with the different toys. Don't you wish they made them big enough for you.

Sunday, January 25, 2009