Monday, February 9, 2009


She's had this since before Christmas and liked it a little. Now she loves it and can actually bounce up and down it's soooo CUTE!!!!! She's even become a pro at turning her self around to play with the different toys. Don't you wish they made them big enough for you.


Autumn said...

HA! I beat Paw PAw to seeing baby pics!!!
Every time I see that head full of hair I laugh out loud!!!!
She is so adorable!!!!
I culd just "squish her" as Bekah says!!!

Autumn said...

I really can spell-I meant- could

Bubba said...

I could have a blast on a contraption like that if it includes a recliner.

Bubba said...

I wanted to tell you how cute KALLEIGH was in my last post but I couldn't figure how to spell her name. I had to go back to the blog and cut-n-paste.

Any way she's a cutie

Bekah said...

since when does dad care about spelling names right? He ussually doesn't even remember peoples names in the first place...crazy old fart : )
SHE IS adorable! she just looks like she bubbles over with happiness!